eMailerOOo logo Documentation

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version 1.2.3


eMailerOOo is part of a Suite of LibreOffice and/or OpenOffice extensions allowing to offer you innovative services in these office suites.

This extension allows you to send documents in LibreOffice as an email, possibly by mail merge, to your telephone contacts.

It also provides an API allowing you to send emails in BASIC and supporting the most advanced technologies: OAuth2 protocol, Mozilla IspDB, HTTP instead of SMTP/IMAP for Google servers… A macro SendEmail for sending emails is provided as an example.
If you open a document beforehand, you can launch it by:
Tools -> Macros -> Run Macro… -> My Macros -> eMailerOOo -> SendEmail -> Main -> Run

Being free software I encourage you:

In short, to participate in the development of this extension.
Because it is together that we can make Free Software smarter.


The eMailerOOo extension uses the OAuth2OOo extension to work.
It must therefore meet the requirement of the OAuth2OOo extension.

The eMailerOOo extension uses the jdbcDriverOOo extension to work.
It must therefore meet the requirement of the jdbcDriverOOo extension.

On Linux and macOS the Python packages used by the extension, if already installed, may come from the system and therefore may not be up to date.
To ensure that your Python packages are up to date it is recommended to use the System Info option in the extension Options accessible by:
Tools -> Options -> Internet -> eMailerOOo -> View log -> System Info
If outdated packages appear, you can update them with the command:
pip install --upgrade <package-name>

For more information see: What has been done for version 1.2.0.


It seems important that the file was not renamed when it was downloaded.
If necessary, rename it before installing it.

Restart LibreOffice after installation.
Be careful, restarting LibreOffice may not be enough.



To be able to use the email merge feature using mailing lists, it is necessary to have a datasource with tables having the following columns:

In addition, this datasource must have at least one main table, including all the records that can be used during the email merge.

If you do not have such a datasource then I invite you to install one of the following extensions:

For these 3 extensions the name of the main table can be found (and even changed before any connection) in:
Tools -> Options -> Internet -> Extension name -> Main table name

This mode of use is made up of 3 sections:

Merge emails with mailing lists:


To be able to post emails to a mailing list, you must:

This Writer document can include merge fields (insertable by the command: Insert -> Field -> More fields -> Database -> Mail merge fields), this is even necessary if you want to be able to customize the content of the email and any attached files.
These merge fields should only refer to the main table of the datasource.

If you want to use an existing Writer document, you must also ensure that the datasource and the main table are attached to the document in: Tools -> Address Book Source.

If these recommendations are not followed then merging of documents will not work and this silently.

Starting the mail merge wizard:

In LibreOffice / OpenOffice Writer document go to: Tools -> Add-Ons -> Sending emails -> Merge a document

eMailerOOo Merger screenshot 1

Data source selection:

The datasource load for the Email merging wizard should appear:

eMailerOOo Merger screenshot 2

The following screenshots use the gContactOOo extension as the datasource. If you are using your own datasource, it is necessary to adapt the settings in relation to it.

In the following screenshot, we can see that the datasource gContactOOo is called: Addresses and that in the list of tables the table: PUBLIC.All my contacts is selected.

eMailerOOo Merger screenshot 3

If no mailing list exists, you need to create one, by entering its name and validating with: ENTER or the Add button.

Make sure when creating the mailing list that the main table is always selected in the list of tables.
If this recommendation is not followed then merging of documents will not work and this silently.

eMailerOOo Merger screenshot 4

Now that your new mailing list is available in the list, you need to select it.

And add the following columns:

If several columns of email addresses are selected, then the order becomes relevant since the email will be sent to the first available address.
In addition, on Recipients selection step of the wizard, in the Available recipients tab, only records with at least one email address column entered will be listed.
So make sure you have an address book with at least one of the email address field (Home, Work or Other) entered.

eMailerOOo Merger screenshot 5

This setting is to be made only for new mailing lists.
You can now proceed to the next step.

Recipients selection:

Available recipients:

The recipients are selected using 2 buttons Add all and Add allowing respectively:

eMailerOOo Merger screenshot 6

Example of multiple selection:

eMailerOOo Merger screenshot 7

Selected recipients:

The recipients are deselected using 2 buttons Remove all and Remove allowing respectively:

eMailerOOo Merger screenshot 8

If you have selected at least 1 recipient, you can proceed to the next step.

Sending options selection:

If this is not already done, you must create a new sender using the Add button.

eMailerOOo Merger screenshot 9

The creation of the new sender is described in the Configure connection section.

The email must have a subject. It can be saved in the Writer document.
You can insert merge fields in the email subject. A merge field is composed of an opening brace, the name of the referenced column (case sensitive) and a closing brace (ie: {ColumnName}).

eMailerOOo Merger screenshot 10

The email may optionally have attached files. They can be saved in the Writer document.
The following screenshot shows 1 attached file which will be merged on the data source then converted to PDF format before being attached to the email.

eMailerOOo Merger screenshot 11

Make sure to always exit the wizard with the Finish button to confirm submitting the send jobs.
To submit mailing jobs, please follow the section Outgoing emails.

Configure connection:

Starting the connection wizard:

In LibreOffice / OpenOffice go to: Tools -> Add-Ons -> Sending emails -> Configure connection

eMailerOOo Ispdb screenshot 1

Account selection:

eMailerOOo Ispdb screenshot 2

Find the configuration:

eMailerOOo Ispdb screenshot 3

SMTP configuration:

eMailerOOo Ispdb screenshot 4

IMAP configuration:

eMailerOOo Ispdb screenshot 5

Connection test:

eMailerOOo Ispdb screenshot 6

Always exit the wizard with the Finish button to save the connection settings.

Outgoing emails:

Starting the email spooler:

In LibreOffice / OpenOffice go to: Tools -> Add-Ons -> Sending emails -> Outgoing emails

eMailerOOo Spooler screenshot 1

List of outgoing emails:

Each send job has 3 different states:

eMailerOOo Spooler screenshot 2

The email spooler is stopped by default. It must be started with the Start / Stop button so that the pending emails are sent.

Spooler activity log:

When the email spooler is started, its activity can be viewed in the activity log.

eMailerOOo Spooler screenshot 3

Has been tested with:

I encourage you in case of problem :confused:
to create an issue
I will try to solve it :smile:


What has been done for version 0.0.1:

What has been done for version 0.0.2:

What has been done for version 0.0.3:

What has been done for version 1.0.0:

What has been done for version 1.0.1:

What has been done for version 1.0.2:

What has been done for version 1.1.0:

What has been done for version 1.1.1:

What has been done for version 1.2.0:

What has been done for version 1.2.1:

What has been done for version 1.2.2:

What has been done for version 1.2.3:

What remains to be done for version 1.2.3: